domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010


Hace tiempo que los trabajadores han tomado buena cuenta del carácter antiobrero y antinacional de estas patronales, y han sacado conclusiones sobre lo que cabe esperar al respecto. Si “la humanización del capital” y la conciliación de clases con que el peronismo pretendió cimentar el frente de clases en los cuarenta y los cincuenta encerraba una imposibilidad cierta que antes o después habría de manifestarse, como quedó en evidencia en septiembre de 1955 y en marzo de 1976, en el presente lo que está a la vista es un antagonismo irreductible.

Las grandes cámaras empresarias han rearmado su bloque patronal, fracturado desde 2008 por las diferencias entre terratenientes e industriales durante el enfrentamiento en torno a las retenciones, y se aprestan a dar batalla en defensa de sus derechos de propiedad y en contra la de interferencia sindical en asuntos de su “exclusiva competencia”. La previsible reacción de los altos círculos de negocios es motivada por el proyecto del diputado Héctor Recalde, destinado a poner en práctica lo que la Constitución establece desde hace cinco décadas: la participación de los trabajadores en la distribución de las ganancias. Ese distinguido círculo, integrado por la industria, el gran comercio, la construcción, la propiedad terrateniente, la banca y la bolsa, declaró días atrás su rechazo categórico a “los proyectos en cuestión, máxime cuando se comprueba que avanzan hacia un poder de interferencia sindical que choca contra los principios constitucionales de derecho de propiedad y de ejercicio de toda industria lícita, al otorgar a los sindicatos facultades de fiscalización y de información ajenas a su cometido, muy superiores a la de los propios accionistas”.

La indignación de estos “honorables” burgueses es comprensible. Durante más de dos siglos el capitalismo ha impuesto entre sus portadores la creencia de que la fuerza de trabajo es una mercancía más y que, en consecuencia, una vez pagado su precio, lo que sobreviene es el sagrado derecho a disponer sin limitación alguna de los resultados de su explotación. Esta creencia, que para cualquier empresario es una verdad de sentido común, no admite –según ellos– discusión alguna, así como tampoco la admite el supuesto derecho a mantener frente a sus trabajadores en el más estricto secreto las cuentas de sus empresas. La nota con la que La Nación dio cuenta del comunicado del Grupo de los Seis es ilustrativa al respecto. Según el cronista, uno de los participantes del encuentro emitió off the record esta sabia reflexión: “Esto es una locura. Los gremios van a tener una herramienta para jorobar desde adentro revolviendo papeles”.

No es para menos. El artículo 18 del proyecto en cuestión establece que “la asociación sindical podrá fiscalizar la información proporcionada por la empresa y requerir la totalidad de la información complementaria y documentación respaldatoria que considere necesaria para cumplir con su cometido”. Esta exigencia es de cumplimiento obligatorio “no pudiendo (la empresa) negarse a su entrega ni obstaculizar el ejercicio de las facultades de control. En caso contrario será considerada práctica desleal”, y los trabajadores podrán hacer valer su derecho a través de la justicia, al margen de las multas o sanciones que correspondan.

Este artículo es la llave maestra del proyecto. Las grandes corporaciones, por ejemplo en ramas como la automotriz y la alimentación, denunciadas por la AFIP, se valen de distintos artilugios para disimular ganancias y evadir impuestos. Que los empresarios estén obligados a abrir sus libros a los representantes sindicales, a pesar de la corrupción de la burocracia (hay sindicatos que cobran a las empresas una tasa por cada trabajador en negro, a cambio de no presentar la denuncia correspondiente), constituye un peligro cierto y un precedente que no puede dejar de alarmar a los sufridos hombres de negocios.

Así las cosas, los trabajadores están convocados a una doble batalla: primero para vencer las resistencias que se han desatado en las filas patronales, entre los partidos de la derecha y aun en sectores del oficialismo; y luego, para imponer la democratización y una política independiente en los sindicatos.

Como en Cuba

Cuando se enteró de la iniciativa del diputado Recalde, el titular de la Unión Industrial, Héctor Méndez, declaró muy suelto de cuerpo que “Argentina se parece a Cuba”. Inmediatamente sobrevinieron las advertencias patronales sobre sus consecuencias: pérdida de competitividad empresaria, caída de las inversiones y vulneración de la seguridad jurídica, entre otras calamidades. Méndez fue presidente de la central industrial en los noventa, cuando la gran burguesía fabril era oficialista con Menem. No es un directivo con peso propio, más bien un fantoche colocado por el ala neoliberal, especialmente las corporaciones agroalimentarias agrupadas en Copal, pero en esa opinión (que se cuidó muy bien en repetir), está expresado el pensamiento que la mayoría de sus pares no se atreven a formular públicamente. Se trata de una burguesía reaccionaria, asociada al capital extranjero, responsable de la colosal fuga de capitales que bloquea los resortes internos de una acumulación autocentrada; una burguesía enriquecida en los circuitos de la especulación financiera de la década pasada, mientras el “uno a uno” y la apertura comercial destruían segmentos fabriles enteros; una clase miserable que añora los años de la flexibilización laboral de Menem y De la Rúa, “los contratos basura”, los despidos baratos y la norma que permitía pagar con monedas los accidentes laborales. Sus dirigentes son dignos descendientes de aquellos patrones que a fines de 1945 organizaron un fallido lock out para tratar de impedir la puesta en práctica del aguinaldo.

Hace tiempo que los trabajadores han tomado buena cuenta del carácter antiobrero y antinacional de estas patronales, y han sacado conclusiones sobre lo que cabe esperar al respecto. Si “la humanización del capital” y la conciliación de clases con que el peronismo pretendió cimentar el frente de clases en los cuarenta y los cincuenta encerraba una imposibilidad cierta, que antes o después habría de manifestarse, como quedó en evidencia en septiembre de 1955 y en marzo de 1976, en el presente lo que está a la vista es un antagonismo irreductible.

Esto es de suma importancia tenerlo en cuenta. El nuevo Frente Nacional que aglutinará a las grandes mayorías en las próximas batallas políticas, habrá de construirse sobre una especial tensión de clase. Entrelazadas con las reivindicaciones nacionales, democráticas, populares y antiimperialistas, estarán presentes las interpelaciones de clase, que darán significación a la presencia decisiva de los trabajadores y el conjunto de las masas explotadas. La lucha por la emancipación nacional plena es al mismo tiempo la lucha por el socialismo; uno y otro objetivo están firmemente unidos sobre la base de una acumulación de contradicciones que divide a la sociedad argentina en dos campos definitivamente antagónicos.

The propagation constant of an electromagnetic wave is a measure of the change undergone by the amplitude of the wave as it propagates in a given direction. The quantity being measured can be the voltage or current in a circuit or a field vector such as electric field strength or flux density. The propagation constant itself measures change per metre but is otherwise dimensionless.

The propagation constant is expressed logarithmically, almost universally to the base e, rather than the more usual base 10 used in telecommunications in other situations. The quantity measured, such as voltage, is expressed as a sinusiodal phasor. The phase of the sinusoid varies with distance which results in the propagation constant being a complex number, the imaginary part being caused by the phase change.

Coaxial Cable Phase Matching

This application note is intended as a general guideline in the selection and specification of coaxial cables for applications requiring phase matching and or phase tracking versus temperature. The match can be specified in electrical degrees as in the suggested best match curves of Figure 1 or in nanoseconds of time delay.

M/A-COM Phase Matching
Figure 1. Suggested Phase match limits

M/A-COM Antennas, Cables and Waveguides

The M/A-COM Antenna, Cable and Waveguide (ACW) product line has developed hundreds of various cable sizes/constructions each optimized for different applications. Most utilize solid or air-spaced PTFE dielectrics and fall into four general families that can be characterized by their Velocity of Propagation (Vp):

69% Velocity of Propagation
76% Velocity of Propagation
80% Velocity of Propagation
82% Velocity of Propagation

Cables with a solid extruded PTFE dielectric core have a nominal Vp of 69% and are generally the strongest mechanically but worst for insertion loss and phase changes as a function of temperature. Cables with a high air content and a nominal Vp of 82% are generally weaker mechanically but the best electrically with very low insertion loss and excellent phase versus temperature characteristics.

Cables with intermediate values of Vp, Vp of 76% for example, are offered as a balance between mechanical and electrical parameters and have proven to be very reliable in over 40 years of service in demanding military programs. Typical phase-temperature characteristics for these families are illustrated in Figure 2.

M/A-COM Phase Versus Temperature Data
Figure 2. Phase versus temperature characteristics for common cable families

Although based on M/A-COM cables, these curves are also representative of cables from all cable manufacturers. The nominal Vp for any particular cable type is given in its data sheet.

Coaxial Cable Phase Matching

The closeness of the match in phase matched cable sets is dependent upon several parameters. These include:

1. Highest Frequency of Operation

In general, the higher the operating frequency, the more difficult it is to achieve a close match. The match limits of Figure 1 are generally offered with minimal extra cost for the additional fabrication and testing required. More stringent matches may require even greater effort and cost, or the use of phase adjustable connectors.

2. Length of Cable Assembly

The longer the cable assembly, the more difficult is the matching task. Thus, longer assemblies require wider phase match windows. Conversely, short assemblies can often be provided with tighter phase match windows. The suggested “Best Match” limits can readily be achieved for assemblies of the specified lengths, and sometimes longer. With increased

manufacturing effort, and corresponding increase in price, tighter limits can be achieved. It is often necessary to balance system requirements and financial restrictions to arrive at the best solution.

3. Variation of Velocity of Propagation

Cables which have identical physical lengths but different Vp’s will have different electrical lengths. Tight control of Vp eases the matching process and results in assemblies with more similar physical lengths. For high Vp flexible coaxial cable assemblies the Vp can usually be held to the nominal value within ±1% about half of the specified ±2% range. For long assemblies, adjustment of the physical length to achieve match can result in a variation of several inches. Thus, it is best to specify the electrical match and minimum mechanical length with length being the variable to achieve the desired phase match. Specifying both a tight phase match tolerance, and a tight length tolerance, decreases cable yield and increases cost.

Consider as an example a ten foot assembly for use up to 18 GHz. Further, assume that it has a nominal Vp of 82% but due to manufacturing or material variations, the Vp can range from 81.0% to 83.0%. Recall that in free space

C=f * λ

Where C is the speed of light approximately 3 * 108 meters/second, f is the frequency in Hertz, and λ is the free space wavelength in meters. At 18 GHz, the wavelength is 0.0167 meters. Within the coaxial cable, the effective wavelength is Vp * λ or 0.0137 meters. Our hypothetical ten foot cable with Vp of 82% is 223.1 wavelengths long. Each wavelength is a 360 degree phase shift so the electrical length is around 80,316 degrees.

If we repeat the calculation with Vp reduced to its 81% limit, the effective wavelength is 0.0135 meters. The same ten foot length is now 225.8 wavelengths long with a corresponding phase shift of around 81,288 degrees.

The M/A-COM Cable Catalog program includes a calculator that illustrates this phenomenon by calculating the phase difference between two identical length cables having different Vps. The numbers are a bit different from the sample calculation because more decimal places are used in the program. Note the dramatic effect a small change in Vp has on the electrical length. It also calculates the length change required to phase match the cable pair. The required length adjustments are shown in Figure 3 below.

Phase Variation ComparisonPhase Variation Comparison
Figure 3a. Comparison of cables with Vp = 82.0% and 81.0%Figure 3b. Comparison of cables with Vp = 82.0% and 83.0%

Figure 3. Length adjustment to match 10’ cables with Vp ranging from 81.0% to 83.0%.

Note that phase matching under these conditions requires a length tolerance of ±1.5 inches, which is not obvious. Our intuition might say use ±0.12 inches to achieve a good match. But a tight length restriction only limits the amount of cable that can be used to fabricate the matched cables and doesn’t assure a match. In fact, as shown in this example, cables with precisely the same length have a phase variation due to different Vps of approximately 980°.

4. Temperature

The electrical length of a Teflon dielectric coaxial cable assembly changes as a complex function of temperature as shown by the phase-temp curves of Figure 2. Note that over most temperature ranges the higher Vp cables exhibit smaller phase changes than the lower Vp cables. This is also important in Phase Tracking, which is discussed in the next section.

Suppose two ten foot assemblies are perfectly matched to each other at room temperature. Now suppose one cable of the pair is used in a temperature controlled area while the second cable is used in an area where the temperature varies from -55°C to +125°C. Using the formulas given in Section 3 above, combined with the phase-temperature changes given in Figure 2, we can determine the electrical length at any temperature.

Consider a solid Teflon dielectric with Vp of 69%. At room temperature the phase shift is 95,482°. At -55°C the length increases by 294°; at +125°C it decreases by 162°.

If the dielectric were air-spaced Teflon with Vp of 82%, the numbers are quite different. The room temperature phase shift is 80,345°. At -55°C the length increases by 26°; at +125°C it increases by 57°; and at 30°C the length decreases by 1°.

Again, this calculation has been automated with a calculator, which is illustrated in Figure 4.

Phase Variation
Figure 4. Phase shift change over temperature range Clearly, special precautions must be taken to maintain the match when the cables of a matched set are exposed to different temperatures.

5. Connectors

It is much easier to phase match cable assemblies with the same connectors on both ends than assemblies with different connectors. That doesn't mean that an assembly with straight connectors can't be matched to one with

angled connectors; or one with TNC connectors matched to one with SMA connectors. It just adds to the difficulty and uncertainty of the match.

In some applications it is necessary to account for the phase changes which occur during installation.

Often the system software does this. It can also be accomplished through the use of phase adjustable connectors attached directly to the cable assembly.

6. Test Equipment Accuracy

It is highly recommended that a Vector Automatic Network Analyzer or PNA (Agilent 8510 for example) be used for the measurement of electrical length. To achieve a high degree of accuracy, the test equipment and cable assemblies must be stabilized in a temperature-controlled room. At M/A-COM we do the final phase trimming and ATP testing in the same temperature controlled room.

Cable Matched Sets

When the cables of a matched set are bent into different shapes in their installed condition, test fixtures simulating the installation bends should be used during the matching process.

Matching in Sets

There are two ways of phase matching sets of cables:

Matched to a Standard
Matched to other cables in the set

Matching to a Standard

The phase standard could consist of either a "Gold" hardware standard or an unchanging software standard; i.e. a known electrical length in degrees at a specific frequency. Cable assemblies that are phase matched to a gold standard are completely interchangeable. Similarly, cable assemblies that are phase matched to a software standard (known electrical length) are also completely interchangeable. In addition the use of software standards is more cost effective since they don't require extra material to produce physical standards. With this approach any cable of a set can be replaced without replacing all cables of the set.

Matching as a Set

Cable assemblies matched as a set are only guaranteed to be matched to other cables in the same set. There is no guarantee that the cables in any one set will match those of another set, especially if they are manufactured at different times. This approach results in the lowest cost because cable yields are highest. The drawback is that should any one cable of a set have to be replaced, the entire set may be replaced.

Specifying Phase Matched Sets

To produce phase matched sets the manufacturer needs as much of above information as you can provide. At a minimum we need to know which cables make up the set, the highest frequency of operation and the desired match. We also need to know if phase standards are required. For critical applications we need to know the bends of the installed configuration so the matching is achieved simulating the installed configuration. This is especially true of long cables where one or more cables might be coiled while others are relatively straight.

Phase Tracking

Phase tracking is primarily influenced by three parameters:


Temperature changes

The overall phase tracking due to temperature changes is dependent upon whether all assemblies in the set are exposed to the same thermal environment. The absolute phase change is dependent primarily upon the velocity of propagation. In general, the less the absolute phase changes, the better the phase tracking over temperature. Thus, higher Vp cables are less sensitive to phase temperature changes and track better. This was shown in the examples above.


The overall phase tracking due to bends is extremely difficult to predict. For static installations, it depends upon the number of bends, the angular arc they encompass and the proximity to other bends. For dynamic installations, it depends upon the similarity of the flexure cycle each cable experiences.


Prior to matching the cables of a phase-matched set it is necessary to thermally stress relieve them to assure good tracking. For example, assume that the first time a cable assembly is exposed to 125°C its phase shift changes by 10 degrees. The second time this might be reduced to 8 degrees; the third time, 7.5 degrees; the fourth time, 7.2 degrees; etc. Thus, thermal cycling artificially ages or stabilizes the assembly. All M/A-COM phase matched cable assemblies are preconditioned prior to final matching.

The tracking deviation is dependent primarily on the similarity of the installation for each cable in the set. To achieve the best phase tracking it is necessary that all cables be installed in a similar manner, be exposed to the same thermal environment and/or be flexed together.

Critical Applications

For critical applications where the ultimate tracking is required, the cables of the phase-matched set should be stranded into a bundle and enclosed within a protective sheath. If possible, the sheath should be a thermal blanket that maintains the temperature near 30°C where temperature sensitivity is minimal.

Does gravity travel at the speed of light?

To begin with, the speed of gravity has not been measured directly in
the laboratory---the gravitational interaction is too weak, and such
an experiment is beyond present technological capabilities. The
"speed of gravity" must therefore be deduced from astronomical
observations, and the answer depends on what model of gravity one uses
to describe those observations.

In the simple Newtonian model, gravity propagates instantaneously: the
force exerted by a massive object points directly toward that object's
present position. For example, even though the Sun is 500 light
seconds from the Earth, Newtonian gravity describes a force on Earth
directed towards the Sun's position "now," not its position 500
seconds ago. Putting a "light travel delay" (technically called
"retardation") into Newtonian gravity would make orbits unstable,
leading to predictions that clearly contradict Solar System

In general relativity, on the other hand, gravity propagates at the
speed of light; that is, the motion of a massive object creates a
distortion in the curvature of spacetime that moves outward at light
speed. This might seem to contradict the Solar System observations
described above, but remember that general relativity is conceptually
very different from Newtonian gravity, so a direct comparison is not
so simple. Strictly speaking, gravity is not a "force" in general
relativity, and a description in terms of speed and direction can be
tricky. For weak fields, though, one can describe the theory in a
sort of Newtonian language. In that case, one finds that the "force"
in GR is not quite central---it does not point directly towards the
source of the gravitational field---and that it depends on velocity as
well as position. The net result is that the effect of propagation
delay is almost exactly cancelled, and general relativity very nearly
reproduces the Newtonian result.

This cancellation may seem less strange if one notes that a similar
effect occurs in electromagnetism. If a charged particle is moving at
a constant velocity, it exerts a force that points toward its present
position, not its retarded position, even though electromagnetic
interactions certainly move at the speed of light. Here, as in
general relativity, subtleties in the nature of the interaction
"conspire" to disguise the effect of propagation delay. It should be
emphasized that in both electromagnetism and general relativity, this
effect is not put in _ad hoc_ but comes out of the equations. Also,
the cancellation is nearly exact only for *constant* velocities. If a
charged particle or a gravitating mass suddenly accelerates, the
*change* in the electric or gravitational field propagates outward at
the speed of light.

Since this point can be confusing, it's worth exploring a little
further, in a slightly more technical manner. Consider two
bodies---call them A and B---held in orbit by either electrical or
gravitational attraction. As long as the force on A points directly
towards B and vice versa, a stable orbit is possible. If the force on
A points instead towards the retarded (propagation-time-delayed)
position of B, on the other hand, the effect is to add a new component
of force in the direction of A's motion, causing instability of the
orbit. This instability, in turn, leads to a change in the mechanical
angular momentum of the A-B system. But *total* angular momentum is
conserved, so this change can only occur if some of the angular
momentum of the A-B system is carried away by electromagnetic or
gravitational radiation.

Now, in electrodynamics, a charge moving at a constant velocity does
not radiate. (Technically, the lowest order radiation is dipole
radiation, which depends on the acceleration.) So to the extent that
that A's motion can be approximated as motion at a constant velocity,
A cannot lose angular momentum. For the theory to be consistent,
there *must* therefore be compensating terms that partially cancel the
instability of the orbit caused by retardation. This is exactly what
happens; a calculation shows that the force on A points not towards
B's retarded position, but towards B's "linearly extrapolated"
retarded position. Similarly, in general relativity, a mass moving at
a constant acceleration does not radiate (the lowest order radiation
is quadrupole), so for consistency, an even more complete cancellation
of the effect of retardation must occur. This is exactly what one
finds when one solves the equations of motion in general relativity.

While current observations do not yet provide a direct
model-independent measurement of the speed of gravity, a test within
the framework of general relativity can be made by observing the
binary pulsar PSR 1913+16. The orbit of this binary system is
gradually decaying, and this behavior is attributed to the loss of
energy due to escaping gravitational radiation. But in any field
theory, radiation is intimately related to the finite velocity of
field propagation, and the orbital changes due to gravitational
radiation can equivalently be viewed as damping caused by the finite
propagation speed. (In the discussion above, this damping represents
a failure of the "retardation" and "non-central, velocity-dependent"
effects to completely cancel.)

The rate of this damping can be computed, and one finds that it
depends sensitively on the speed of gravity. The fact that
gravitational damping is measured at all is a strong indication that
the propagation speed of gravity is not infinite. If the
calculational framework of general relativity is accepted, the damping
can be used to calculate the speed, and the actual measurement
confirms that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light to
within 1%. (Measurements of at least one other binary pulsar system,
PSR B1534+12, confirm this result, although so far with less

Are there future prospects for a direct measurement of the speed of
gravity? One possibility would involve detection of gravitational
waves from a supernova. The detection of gravitational radiation in
the same time frame as a neutrino burst, followed by a later visual
identification of a supernova, would be considered strong experimental
evidence for the speed of gravity being equal to the speed of light.
However, unless a very nearby supernova occurs soon, it will be some
time before gravitational wave detectors are expected to be sensitive
enough to perform such a test.
Microwave Synthesis And Ramen Noodles

Microwaves are a low frequency light, at least compared to visible light, say, or ionizing radiation like gamma rays. Thus, microwaves are quite harmless. A microwave oven baths the food in an oscillating electro-magnetic field. Molecules with permanent electrical dipole moments wiggle in the field and thus heat up the food.

Ok, lets google “microwave danger”. Wow, a barrage of pseudo-science about how microwaves slowly kill you and your family. Microwaves supposedly distort the molecules and natural energy in the food and of course, they were invented by the Nazis during the third Reich – who else would come up with such evil? Anyways, they are not natural like the sun, because “microwaves from the sun are based on principles of pulsed direct current (DC) that don't create frictional heat” ???

A few diamonds in the rough: Serious studies quantifying carcinogens in microwave food. Of course, these you obtain much more when frying or eating from the BBQ grill. Large organic molecules in baby milk may isomerize in the microwave oven. What is the conclusion? No big problem, we are in the know, physics has immunized me against rhetoric about supposedly “natural” stuff and why natural should be good by default. I am not expert in all fields, but there is the scientific method, peer review, and so on. Surely, if there was a problem, we would know by now. Or would we?

In our lab, we synthesize nanometer sized particles. Certain particles, like the one pictured below, we cannot make without microwaves. High power? Nope - usual kitchen appliance on the low or warm setting, a few minutes max. Do we know why the microwaves have this effect? I have not the slightest idea! My paper needs references, so I waffle on about the “microwave effect”: is it thermal or non-thermal?

Nano-porous micro-carbon spheres with only about several hundred nanometers diameter having metal nanoparticles in its interior, highly catalytic (read: bio active). We make these with help of a conventional microwave oven, 1014 at a time, easily scalable. The metals involved here are from ionic solutions with low concentrations (like in foods) and not much reducer is used either. Vitamin C is such a reducer and at high concentrations in many foods. We do not know why microwaves are necessary or what such compounds would do if digested, nor are there test for unknown nano-compounds in microwaved food.

Our novel results should “inspire much future research” – so I write, and it is accepted by peer review. What is it: Do we know microwaves sufficiently or do we need much future research? Would a chemical test for carcinogens or isomers find that the molecules are actually present in form of nanoparticles? No! Do we know what novel nanoparticles do inside of us, given that biology is basically naturally evolved nanotech? Not a clue! Our papers claim potentially “strong catalytic activity due to non-trivial morphologies, crystallographic structures, and size effects”.

Do we know what kind of nanoparticles or refolded proteins (involved in prion diseases and apparently also Alzheimer’s) develop inside a burrito or pizza that was poorly defrosted and cooked on the high power setting in a microwave oven? I do not. I probably ate more than two thousand of those as a busy graduate student.

What do I know? On one hand, my Pleistocene mind and my kind of body evolved by natural selection and cooking over fire has been around for a relatively long while, but microwaves not. I also know that I too often think I know although I do not. I could write a series of posts listing all the facts I deemed obvious in the light of basic scientific understanding and that I had to personally give up because some stupid, ugly tidbit of data hit me over the head. On the other hand, I do not want to present a toehold to esoteric pseudoscience. I do not fear “big pharma” conspiring with some evil microwave oven military complex conglomerates trying to shut me up, but I do fear being quoted in support of the “teach the controversy” strategy of creationists, global warming denialists, and suchlike.

Yesterday, my dearest visits me in my office. She puts dry Ramen noodles into a bowl, adds cold water, and off it goes into the microwave oven. She does neither consider that the water has had no time to enter the hard noodles, nor that the microwave frequency is not actually tuned to only excite the water. She is a lay person, she respects science, and scientists say that microwave cooking is fine. Piping hot noodles in front of the computer screen on my desk, the steam swirls the transmission electron microscope images of our lab’s newest samples. Bon Appetit!
Carbon nanotubes hold great promise due to their extraordinary electrical, mechanical, optical, thermal, and chemical properties. Their current applications range from improving consumer electronics, to medicine delivery to cells, to strengthening airplane components. Carbon nanotubes come in many different forms and purities. They range from flexible, thin, few-walled or single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) to rigid, long, thick, multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs), with a spectrum of characteristics.

Nanotubes transistor developments

Researchers at Stanford University, Cornell University and Purdue University have jointly produced a carbon nanotube transistor that they claim has better properties than silicon transistors of an equivalent size. The device uses zirconium oxide rather than silicon dioxide, which has a lower dielectric constant, as the gate insulator. Highest performance carbon nanotube field-effect transistors were made to date by integrating zirconia gate insulators. They obtained 70 mV/decade sub threshold swings approaching the theoretical limit for transistors. The scientists used semi conducting single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) to make p-type field-effect-transistors (FETs). They formed the zirconia gate insulators by atomic layer deposition, creating zirconia films of about 8 nm thick without significantly degrading key transistor performance parameters of the nanotubes, such as mobility. The team converted p-type ZrO2/SWNT-FETs to n-type transistors by heating them in molecular hydrogen at 400°C for one hour. The properties of the n-type transistors, although good, were not as ideal as the p-type FETs. The researchers also made a NOT logic gate, i.e. an inverter, by connecting a p- and n-type ZrO2/SWNT-FET. The device had a high voltage gain.

Zurich researchers have built a transistor whose crucial element is a carbon nanotube, suspended between two contacts, with outstanding electronic properties. A novel fabrication approach allowed the scientists to construct a transistor with no gate hysteresis. This opens up new ways to manufacture nano-sensors and components that consume particularly little energy.
Researchers of University of California at Irvine developed a device which consists of a single-walled carbon nanotube sandwiched between two gold electrodes to operate at extremely fast microwave frequencies. This has resulted is an important effort to develop nano electronic components that could be used to replace silicon in a range of electronic applications.

Researchers from the University of California, San Diego and Clemson University synthesized Y-shaped carbon nanotubes to make transistors. The nanotube transistors were initially grown as straight nanotube elements. Titanium-modified iron catalyst particles added to the synthesis mixture were then attached to the straight nanotubes, nucleating additional growth, which continued in a fashion similar to branches growing from a tree trunk. The nascent nanotubes assumed a Y-shape with the catalyst particle gradually becoming absorbed at the junction of the stem and two branches. When electrical contacts are attached to the nanotube structures, electrons travel into one arm of the Y, hop onto the catalyst particle, and then hop to the other arm and flow outward. The movement of electrons through the Y-junction can be finely controlled, or gated, by applying a voltage to the stem, a replication of the function of existing transistors.

Printable transistors

The semi conducting properties of carbon nanotubes can be exploited to create printable transistors with extremely high performance. Specifically, researchers have shown CNT-based transistors employing a sparse nanotube network to achieve mobility of 1 cm2/V-s, while those using an aligned array of single-walled nanotubes can reach as high as 480 cm2/V-s. Nanotubes also prove to be useful additives to polymer-based TFTs and help to overcome some of the shortcomings of those devices. Beyond their performance, such devices are compatible with solution-based printing techniques, which enable dramatic cost savings in such devices as LCDs and OLED-based displays

Microwave Devices Help Broadcast HD Content

The way the world delivers digital information is converging. Electronic News Gathering and Broadcasting applications as well as entertainment and live events broadcasting can capture digital content with more flexibility and a higher degree of freedom with HD Roaming.

BMS Europe GmbH is at the cutting-edge of new technology. They provide technology for wireless HD transmission for fixed or mobile operation.

BMS is debuting its new DR6000 MK2 receiver. a 6-way diversity receiver for reception of COFDM RF video signals in a 360-degree view and in a challenging OB environment.

In conjunction with the new NANO-Transmitter Series, BMS provides broadcast wireless solutions extendable for citywide coverage.

The new DR6000 MK2 features also include 2- / 6-way high performance FFT-MRC Diversity, antenna 2 / 6 Input, low delay 40ms end-to-end delay, MPEG4 H.264 ready, MPEG2 HD MPEG-2 422P@HL decoding, repeater Integrated up-converter with auto re-modulation setup, COM Server TCP/IP access for remote control, and GPS data output for the tracking antenna.

The internal decoder provides professional features such as ASI, SDI, HD-SDI, component or composite and analog/embedded audio outputs.

Optionally, the DR6000 MK2 can also be operated as single repeater within an auto-modus for automatically configuring all COFDM settings and presetting. With the in-build 6-way spectrum-analyzer the DR6000 MK2 becomes an essential tool in the broadcast world.

These products integrate digital microwave technology with functionality, ultra small form factor, low power consumption, light weight and future H.264 capabilities to operate in all major bands for Europe or in other desired frequency ranges.

Free HD roaming, high flexibility, without compromise in reliability, enables customers to provide their digital content easily. With these products professionals in multiple markets can now present technologically savvy broadcasts to audiences with an ever-demanding desire for HD content.

BMS Inc designs, develops, manufactures, and distributes microwave transmission systems. BMS offers a broad range of microwave communication products and systems developed for electronic news gathering and entertainment, law enforcement, unmanned aerial vehicles, and military surveillance applications.